Brooke\'s Blog

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The last seven days, I have not been in my word. I had school, I picked up an extra shift at work, I was tired… I had a million of excuses for why I was too busy, but here’s the reality:

If our God is a God of Peace, than the devil is the god of noise.

This week wore down my mind, and I couldn’t get the things done that I needed to, but most importantly I started leaning away from God. My instagram feed before this week had been mainly about Him, but I noticed a few days ago that it wasn’t anymore. I’d been telling myself that I didn’t have to read my bible as long as I watch reels about God.

Seek first the kingdom of God and all His rightousness. –Matthew 6:33

We as followers of Christ are told explicitly to seek FIRST the kingdom of God. I do believe that there is good that comes from social media, but social media cannot replace your time with God. Any video I watched this week I’ve already forgotten, and I found myself giving into temptation. When I turned my attention onto my phone, I started to judge others heavily. I’d see a video and immediatly open the comments. “Y’all saw that too, no way she just did that.” I wasn’t showing love.

I had also given into doubt. I felt like God wasn’t speaking to me or through me, but it is so cool how God works because He is so personal. God could give you exacly what He gave to your friend, but that isn’t His plan for you. This was one of the last verses I read this week and it really stuck out to me:

But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.

Dear children, do not let anyone lead you astray. The one who does what is right is righteous, just as he is righteous. The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. –1st John 3:5-8

When you walk in the spirit of God, you will not sin. Jesus came and set us free, and through Jesus we are made rightous. When we step away from God, or stop seeking the kingdom, we are deceived by the devil. We are human, and we mess up, but God is there waiting. God will pull us out of the storm and put us back on the boat, but we have to ask. When Peter walked on the water towards Jesus, he walked with the spirit and focused on Jesus. Peter then saw the storm. He was scared, and he lost sight of the Lord. When Peter started sinking, he called out to Jesus. Jesus did not sit back and watch Peter. Jesus reached his hand out and said, “You of little faith. Why did you doubt?” Jesus will always pull you out of the water. He will always be there. We need faith and it might not feel like God is there, but I promise He is.

As I drifted away from my word, I put on a spirit of fear. Next year I am going to central America on a missions trip, and this week I felt like I shouldnt go. I had lost sight of what God calls us to do (Mat 28:16-20) and I doubted if I should go on this trip. The devil doesn’t want people to boldly speak out for Jesus. The devil tries to trick you with noise-

All that noise I had in my head was not from God.

I finally asked God to bring me peace. I woke up this morning on fire for the Lord, and I don’t feel all that doubt. I know that God is going to use me for good every day. I pray that everyone reading this will find peace in Jesus. We as followers of Christ have to constantly fight against the flesh and against the devil, but when we fix our eyes on the Lord: we find strength. Do not give into the temptation of evil, cast off the devil, and focus on your Creator.

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